Initial Closed Beta

Over the past six months, our dedicated team has been hard at work bringing our vision to life in the form of a groundbreaking new game: “Renegade World” With passion, perseverance, and a commitment to excellence, we’ve progressed through the initial phases of development, refining our ideas and laying the foundation for what promises to be an unforgettable gaming experience. As we enter the alpha phase, we’re thrilled to share our progress and invite you to join us on this exciting journey.

Conceptualization and Planning

In the early stages of development, our team embarked on a journey of creativity and innovation, brainstorming ideas and exploring possibilities for “Renegade World” Drawing inspiration from a diverse range of influences, we honed in on a concept that captured our imaginations and sparked our enthusiasm. Through extensive research and meticulous planning, we fleshed out the core mechanics, characters, and world-building elements that would define the game’s identity.

Pre-production and Prototyping

Armed with a clear vision and a comprehensive game design document, we transitioned into the pre-production phase, where we began to bring our ideas to life in tangible form. From assembling our talented team of developers and artists to crafting early prototypes and concept art, every decision was made with precision and purpose. With each iteration, we refined our gameplay mechanics and visual aesthetics, laying the groundwork for the immersive experience that awaited players.

Full-scale Development

With the groundwork laid and our plans firmly in place, we embarked on the most ambitious phase of our journey: full-scale development. Day by day, line of code by line of code, we brought “Renegade” to life, building upon the solid foundation we had established in the preceding months. From designing intricate levels and architecting complex AI systems to creating stunning visuals and dynamic soundscapes, every aspect of the game was crafted with care and attention to detail.

Entering the Alpha Phase

And now, as we stand on the cusp of a new milestone in our journey, we are thrilled to announce that Renegade World has entered the alpha phase of development. With the core features and mechanics in place, we are shifting our focus to fine-tuning and polishing every aspect of the game, ensuring that it meets the high standards of quality and excellence that our team strives for.

As part of this new phase, our dedicated team of developers and designers are committed to addressing feedback from our alpha testers. This invaluable input will be used to refine gameplay, squash any lingering bugs, and enhance the overall player experience. Our goal is not just to craft an engaging and immersive world, but to ensure that Renegade World stands as a testament to the dedication and passion of our team.

In the coming days, keep an eye out for updates on our progress, behind-the-scenes peeks, and insights into the development process. We believe that transparency is key to building a community that is as invested in the journey of Renegade World as we are.

Key Focus Areas During the Alpha Phase:

  • Gameplay Polish: Ensuring that the core mechanics are smooth and enjoyable.

  • Bug Fixes: Identifying and resolving any issues to ensure a seamless experience.

  • Community Feedback: Actively engaging with our alpha testers to gather and implement their feedback.

  • Content Expansion: Adding new content and features that enrich the game world.

Whether you're a seasoned gamer or someone with a keen eye for detail and a love for immersive experiences, your feedback will be instrumental in bringing the vision of Renegade World to life.

Closed Beta Release

We invite you to join us on this adventure on March 15th, to be part of the vibrant community that shapes the world of Renegade.

At this stage, we are excited to kickstart Renegade World with our Highly Competitive Multiplayer Elimination game mode in the demo. This initial release is designed to provide players with a thrilling gaming experience without any holding requirements or rewards. Our primary goal is to allow as many players as possible to experience our offering firsthand and provide valuable feedback.

By focusing on the multiplayer elimination game mode, we aim to showcase the core gameplay mechanics, competitive dynamics, and adrenaline-pumping action that Renegade World has to offer. This mode will serve as a preview of what players can expect from the full game, setting the stage for future updates and additions.

While the demo does not include any holding requirements or rewards, we have plans to integrate a Play-to-Earn (P2E) rewarding system in the future. This system will offer players (who are also a $RNGD holder) the opportunity to earn rewards and incentives for their participation and achievements in the game. However, for now, our priority is to gather feedback from the community and fine-tune the gameplay experience based on their input.

Our decision to launch with the Highly Competitive Multiplayer Elimination game mode in the demo reflects our commitment to providing players with a high-quality gaming experience while laying the groundwork for future enhancements and features, including the integration of a rewarding P2E system. We look forward to welcoming players to Renegade World and embarking on this exciting journey together.

Last updated